Today's Reading
The end? It's funny, but I have read the Bible complete through over twenty times and I have never reached the end! Malachi launches us toward the New Testament. Revelation, while describing the transformation at the return of Christ, begs us to go back and discover how we get there. All of it leaves us with questions about the way it all started and that just draws us (again) through the history of it all. C. S. Lewis described our current life as not the end, but the beginning of the beginning. Tomorrow, we have the change of a day, a month and a year with one tick of the clock. That gives us the perfect impetus to start it all over again.
For you who have kept up with this Climbing adventure throughout the year, "Yayyyy" for you! Thank you for being faithful! Would you join me as we do it again? In 2011, we are using a different map to reach our destination. Much of our understanding can be strengthened by learning out the Bible fits together in proper chronology. I have described it in the column on the right side of this page (the Climbing Companions home page).
Malachi. These last two Old Testament chapters cover subjects that are still very much a challenge today. The first is tithing. I have seen people try all sorts of ways to salve their conscience as they refuse to tithe. They look for loopholes. The say, "I give in other ways." The bottom line is that they don't want to release control of some of their money and trust God with their finances. The promise of God's bless can't get any plainer than Malachi 3. The other issue is the destruction of families. The great promise which ends the Old Testament is that God's purpose is to restore the hearts of parents and children to each other. May we see revival in this area!
Revelation speaks of a river flowing out from God's throne. The Old Testament books of Ezekiel and Zechariah spoke of the same thing. Psalms mentions it. Jesus said that, if we would trust Him, river of living would would flow from our inner being. God is the light! God is the source of life! He alone is worth of our worship and praise. Amen!
Psalms. Praise the Lord!!!
Proverbs. It is my privilege to know many godly women whose lives reflect this passage. I am deeply grateful for them.
As we close the year, Climbing Companion, I am grateful for you! I hope to "see" you here tomorrow!