Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 22, Day 173

Today's Reading

Proverbs. "The words of Agur..." I have always thought this to be an addendum to the proverbs of Solomon.  I just discovered that some scholars thing Agur was a word describing Solomon, who actually wrote these verses.  We won't know this side of heaven.  What we do know is that Proverbs 31 is one of the most beautiful, quoted passages in the Bible.


  1. Uh, it's a company located near San Francisco. But, what you probably are asking is answered here (, Meg.


  2. Haha, thanks. So since solomon's advice is coming from an oracle here then should it really have any weight?

  3. Okay, I sent you the wikipedia link, so I deserve that question. Here's the way I see it based on a Biblical worldview. Wiki describes the term as it relates to the mythical gods and goddesses of antiquity. They were nothing but a counterfeit. At their worst, they were probably fronts for actual high-ranking demons. Still, though, all they did was take God's truth -- real truth -- and pervert it. They don't create; they pervert.

    That said, in a way many of the prophets were true "oracles". They were mystical. They received strange messages from God and, at times, they did strange things. The Magi who sought Christ were Oracles. Daniel, the founder of their order was, I believe, an oracle in the strictest sense of the word.

    I have answered at length. Here in the Western world, we have tended to trust something if it is logical and objective, but question it if it is spiritual. That is not the way to weigh truth. God is Spirit. We must learn to weigh things out based on what the Bible says and not discount something just because Satan counterfeits it.

  4. You sure did deserve it! ;)
    You know if I didn't think you'd add Biblical insight, I would have just looked it up myself in the first place! Silly Sam.
    Thanks, though. I hadn't thought about how some might have been false ones, though some were real. I just kept picturing the creepy oracle scene from the movie "300" and wondering if this was part of the worshipping of false gods that Solomon got into later on in his life.
