Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31

Today's Reading

On this Memorial Day I hope you will take a moment to be thankful for all who have paid the price of our freedom by giving their lives.

2 Samuel. God always accomplishes His purposes. David had sinned and was being judged. David had failed to discipline his sons and was facing open rebellion. Yet, David was still God's anointed and a man after God's heart. God would protect David through this, but David had to learn painful lessons. God deals with us the same way.

John. When I read this, I noticed something I hadn't previously seen. In John's account, Jesus' last swallow before dying was tasting the sour wine that was placed at His mouth. In Gethsemane, He had prayed, "Father, if it be Your will, let this cup pass from me." The wine, being sour, represented our soured acts of sin that cost His sacrifice to redeem. He took this symbol of us into Himself and paid our death penalty for us. In Communion, we take the symbol of Him into us and by faith receive the result of His sacrifice.

Psalm 119. God is always near and His Word teaches us His character. The more we walk with Him, the more that character shines through us.

Proverbs. The type of leader who leads with integrity expects nothing less from those he leads.

What is God saying to you today? Questions on your mind?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

May 30

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. Just as Jesus faced betrayal, so did his ancestor David. David's response can teach us much about facing those who have something against us. Joab's brother Abishai would have been glad to kill Shimei, but David saw the big picture and wouldn't allow it. That's a great lesson because betrayal cuts us deep within the soul. Instead of fighting, David interpreted the pain as means for God to teach him.

John. "We have no king but Caesar!" What a sad testament to the location of their hearts.

Psalm 119 contains the simple testimony of a yielded man: "I am Your servant." I want that to be my testimony, growing more true every day of my life.

Proverbs. Simple honesty and fairness with all people will help you develop a good name and give honor to God.

Your thoughts? Do you have questions today?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. God used David's own weakness regarding the people he loved to set up the promised judgment of David's sin with Bathsheba an Uriah. David's son Amnon had raped Tamar and David did nothing about it so Absalom murdered his half-brother. David did nothing about that and Absalom decided to steal the kingdom from his dad. What pain and misery from the failure to make hard decisions. I often learn from this passage because I -- at one time -- also failed to take strong action with a rebellious staff member and our entire church suffered for it.

John describes today the dark scene of Jesus' arrest, along with the beginning of His trials and the first denial of Peter.

Psalm 119. Praying this prayer today has reminded me of the importance of learning God's Word. As I meditate on it, I am shown the way to be protected from sin and to stand in the face of my soul's enemies.

Proverbs makes me think of the homes in the Beverly Hills area where I recently drove. The lure of riches is huge. The constant temptation, "These things I will give you if you will bow down and worship me," is enough to have destroyed many good people. May we walk in God's truth and not be fooled by the lie!

Your thoughts? Do you have questions?

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. David's love for his children made it difficult for him to discipline them. It seems that he ignored Amnon's rape of Tamar since surely he had heard about it. Then he ignored Absalom as he took matters into his own hands. It's a setup for what will happen next.

John. This is the true "Lord's prayer." The one we call by that title is really a model prayer for us to pray. This is Jesus' prayer for us. I noticed that even Jesus' prayers didn't all get answered immediately. For instance, "23 I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me." I long to see this come true, even in my own community. But it's not true yet!

Psalm 119. It's really amazing. God's Word, when empowered by God's Spirit, is alive and touches every generation in every culture, location and language.

Proverbs. Have you noticed that our most recent enemies constantly use our corruption and greed as the reason they want to destroy our nation? What would happen if our entire nation humbled themselves before God and lived according to God's instructions? I believe it would change the way the rest of the world looks at us.

Your thoughts today? Questions?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 27

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. I am struck more than ever before about the complexity of today's passage. Each person was walking through difficulties. David was grieving his son's death and broken over his own sin. Bathsheba was surely mourning the loss of Uriah and her complicity in the sin of adultery, as well as the death of her baby. Nathan was faithfully bringing the Word of the Lord to the king, regardless of the consequences. David's advisers were fretting over the king's demeanor. In the meantime, where was Joab? He was fighting Israel's battles on the battlefield. He was loyal to David...sort of.

John. This world is full of grief and pain. Because Jesus paid for our sins, arose and returned to the Father, the Holy Spirit (the Advocate) is available to give us joy, strength, peace and direct access to God.

Psalm 119. No matter how long I walk with God, I am still "prone to wander." God allows me to undergo difficulties with the hope that I will humble myself before Him. Then I can receive His forgiveness and grow in character.

Proverbs. Don't take today's verses as some kind to fatalistic proof that bad people have no choice. We ALL have choices. In the end, though, God has a purpose in everything and everyone.

Your thoughts? Do you have questions?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. As I read today's passage, it struck me that David's great victories -- accompanied by his magnanimous gestures to former enemies -- must have led him into pride. How else could he have given in to fleshly desires toward another man's wife, then have the other man killed? Said another way, I don't think he took a giant, instant leap into adultery and murder; I think he took a series a baby steps away from God. To me, that's much scarier.

John. The Holy Spirit keeps pointing us to Jesus. Our very existence depends on Him. He is the vine, the source of life itself. The more we choose to walk with Him and bear fruit, the more we undergo pruning.

Psalms. As I prayed these verses, I was refreshed by one of my favorite verses (which happens to be in today's reading)...
"I pondered the direction of my life,
and I turned to follow your laws."

Proverbs. No matter how much information we have, it is God who must ultimately approve our plans and make them happen.

As you make plans for the summer, what do today's lessons say to you? Do you have questions about what you have read?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 25

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. Today's passage gives significant detail about David's work as a conqueror. When you realize the great distance covered by his military victories, you see that this was politically the most powerful time in Israel's history. What impresses me, though, is David's prayer: "Who am I, Lord...?"

John. Jesus was clearly speaking about His departure to heaven after the resurrection. Then he described what would begin on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit would begin indwelling believers. Jesus said they would know the Spirit because He had been with them (in Jesus) but the time was coming (Pentecost) when the Spirit would live in them. What a gift God has given us: His Spirit!

Psalms. As I prayed these verses, this one stuck out:
"Turn my eyes from worthless things,
and give me life through your word."

Proverbs. Genuine humility tends to get noticed by the wise.

What speaks to you today? What questions come to mind?

Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. In many ways this was the pinnacle of David's power. I heard someone recently talk about our spiritual battles including an "air war" and a "ground war." David and his army had to fight the enemy on the ground, but he was constantly praying for God's direction and provision (the air war).

John. The longer I know Jesus, the more I am amazed at the simple power of His words.

Psalms. When we are down, it's the best time to let God's word speak to us!

Proverbs. As hard as it may be at the moment, correction is a great friend.

What do you see today, Climbing Companion? Do you have questions?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 23

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. David finally became king over all Israel, but at what price? Many people had been killed by their own relatives. Plus, Joab and Abishai had gained such military strength that David felt he couldn't control them. Even though David was victorious, it was a tragic picture.

John. Simon Peter was the picture of self-sufficiency. He didn't want Jesus washing his feet because he could do it himself. He undoubtedly wanted to serve God, but kept thinking he could do it with his own strength. He had some huge lessons to learn. So do we, when we think we can accomplish God's plans in our own strength or approach God based on our own righteousness.

Psalms. We begin the longest chapter in the Bible today. Psalm 119 is in sections of 8 verses each. There are 22 sections, one for each letter in the Hebrew alphabet. You might want to read these verses as a prayer to God. They are very personal.

Proverbs. It's a great discipline to find good in every day and be thankful for it. It will improve our health.

Your thoughts, Climbing Companion? Questions?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 22

Today's Reading

2 Samuel begins at the inception of David as king. Notice how David didn't fall into the temptation to rejoice over Saul's death. Proverbs teaches that we are not to rejoice when our enemy falls. This was an Amalekite -- remember that Amalek in the Old Testament symbolizes the power of our flesh -- who came with this news (and he lied about killing Saul). David grieved for Saul and God honored him.

John. Over and over again, Jesus ascribed his words and actions to the Father. His power was the connection to the power source. Ours, too!

Psalms. What the Psalmist couldn't fully comprehend was that "he who comes in the name of the Lord" would also be "the sacrifice" bound with cords to the altar.

Proverbs. Clearly, greed is an acceptable American sin. And yet it brings grief.

What you you think as you read today, Climbing Companion? Questions?

Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. Despite all his maneuverings, Saul died. What a horrible, tragic picture of life. God had chosen him and blessed him, but he was so insecure that it was never enough. Someone said that we carry two buckets around with us: a bucket of water and a bucket of gasoline. Much of the content of our days depends on which bucket we use when the fires of adversity come upon us.

John. One translation of a recent passage we read quoted the Pharisees as saying Jesus must be destroyed before the Romans see our troubles and take away "our place and our nation." New Living Translation interprets "place" as "temple." It's also possible that they were talking about their own place as religious elite who had control over the people. That's certainly the attitude they demonstrated in today's passage.

Psalms. Life is full of battles that we must fight. Victory, though, is from the Lord.

Proverbs. Purity, humility and wisdom are reoccurring themes in this great book.

What are your thoughts today? Do you have questions?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 20

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. Several of you will have questions about the medium/witch at Endor. The answer is that we don't know for sure what happened. Because of other Scriptures, I think it's possible that she called up a spirit impersonating Samuel. Obviously, much of what the spirit told them was true. However, the truth drove Saul into fear and despair rather than toward God's comfort. Therefore, I believe it was probably an evil spirit.

John. What do you think Jesus was angry about in today's passage? Was it the unbelief of the people? Was it the power of sin that brings death? Was it the devil who tempts us and draws us astray? What do you think?

Psalms. God's faithfulness goes on forever. If a Bible chapter includes only two verses (this is the center chapter of the Bible), isn't this a great message to put there?

Proverbs. Wise advisors are worth their weight in gold. Or platinum. Or...

What are your thoughts today? Questions you want to consider?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. David spared Saul's life and Saul "repented" from trying to kill David. What do you think that meant?

Near that same time, David's men had been protecting the property of people out in the wilderness where they were hiding. It would have been common to "pay" the protection service and David's request wasn't haughty. Nabal's answer, though, was. When David married Abigail, he most likely received all of Nabal's estate. He seemed attracted to Abigail for the honorable way she had dealt with the previous matter.

John. The tension kept growing between Jesus and the religious leaders. The people, meanwhile, saw the validation from John the Baptist as important in the structure of their faith.

The more I read today's Psalm, the more I remembered the time I saw it lived out. My dad was a godly man who grew more and more grateful for his salvation during his latter years. He constantly talked about how thankful he was that God would sacrifice His own Son to save someone like him.

Proverbs. "Foolishness brings joy to those with no sense..." I have lived that life. Have you?

How are you doing in your reading, Climbing Companion? Do you have questions or comments today?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. God had a plan for David and Saul couldn't thwart it. However, David had to be diligent to resist, run, and hide. At this point, Saul's insecurity drove him further and further into sin. The popular TV drama "24" has a character this year that is a disgraced former President. Every move he makes is calculated to bring positive attention on himself. That's exactly what Saul did.

John. An old hymn says, "Savior, like a shepherd lead us; much we need thy tender care. In thy pleasant pastures, feed us; for our use thy folds prepare." When you stray, when you feel attacked, when you are afraid, when you are spiritually hungry...let Jesus provide for you!

Psalms echoes Jesus' words in John (above):
11 All you who fear the Lord, trust the Lord!
He is your helper and your shield.

Proverbs. Perhaps the path of the upright is an open highway because the upright keep it clean!

What do you notice today? Questions or thoughts?

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. I'm not sure that I fully understand why Jonathan signaled David that his life was in danger, then told him face to face. Why the signal if they could just meet and talk? What I do understand is that Jonathan knew David was selected as the next king. He said, "May the Lord be with you as he used to be with my father."

John. As I read this passage, I think I saw the gradual realization to the man that Jesus must be the Son of God. Interestingly, it seems that the more the religious leaders tried to convince him that this man couldn't be from God, the more he was convinced otherwise. God even uses unbelievers and persecutors to draw people to Jesus.

Psalms today includes this graphic picture of the awesome power of God. The earth trembles, the mountains shake, the waters move -- all in awe of God!

Proverbs. It's the simple things in life -- mixed with joy -- that make it full and rich.

How are you doing in your life today, Climbing Companion? What's on your mind?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 16

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. God intervened again and again, sparing David from Saul. Prophesying was some type of ecstatic utterance in which (apparently) the person doing it was so emotional that he lost awareness of what he was doing.

John. The conversation between Jesus and the religious leaders here in John 8 is perhaps the most adversarial of all those recorded. Jesus clearly identifies Himself as the Son of God ("My Father") and as God Himself ("Before Abraham was, I AM!"). He also clearly states that the religious leaders were blind to Him because they, in their ignorance and arrogance, thought that they could reach God through their own self-righteousness.

Psalms today calls me to compassion and generosity in my dealings with others.

Based on Proverbs today, I pray that we all hunger for knowledge and stay open to correction.

How about you? What are your thoughts and/or questions?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. David was so different than Saul! Saul was insecure and David had confidence. Saul seemed to take responsibility for battle on his own shoulders and David gave it to God. Saul tried to hold onto the glory for himself and David gave it also to God.

John. I think that Jesus said something very subtle and very powerful in this passage. Unless we believe that He is who He said, we will remain of this world and will die in our sins. On the other hand, if we believe Him, God will transform us into someone not of this world any more.

Psalms. God gives food to those who fear Him, according to this. That's a great promise during tough economic times.

Proverbs. When I read this, I'm reminded of toddlers whose parents are trying to "potty-train" them. I have seen them quietly go into a corner of the room and look away as they "do their business."

What do you see today, Climbing Companion? Do you have questions?

Friday, May 14, 2010

May 14

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. Saul faced the same kinds of temptations that we face. Amalek was a tribe of people who symbolized that part of us that Paul -- in the New Testament -- calls the flesh. We are at war with our flesh, which is like a gateway to sin in our lives. We are to deal with it mercilessly and not allow it to lead us astray in our walk with Christ. Saul didn't obey with Amalek and we have the same problem with our flesh.

Don't be misled by the term "tormenting spirit from God." A better way to say it for us would be, "an evil spirit which God allowed to torment him." Saul was vulnerable because of his own sins.

John tells us the account of the woman caught in the act of adultery. It's one of my favorites. I am a sinner in need of God's mercy.

Psalm 110 is clearly apocalyptic. It's a picture of heaven and of Christ's ultimate victory on earth. Sometimes I get so excited about that day!

Proverbs today is the perfect complement to our reading in 1 Samuel. Saul wanted to "sacrifice" while hanging on to his disobedience. Not a good move!

How are you doing today, Climbing Companion? What are your thoughts? Questions?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 13

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. Beware of following someone because they use the name of the Lord like a good luck charm. Saul obeyed God when it was convenient, but the rest of the time he took matters into his own hands. Even as I write this, I pray for myself that my obedience to God is sincere and consistent.

John. It's not hard to imagine the intense pressure the religious leaders were putting on those who were impressed by Jesus. Notice today how they spoke to their own Temple Guard (could some of them be one who stood watch at the tomb?) and Nicodemus.

Psalm 109. Verse 8 was used by Christ's followers in the book of Acts as instruction that they needed to find a replacement for Judas, the betrayer.
Perhaps the whole Psalm is a picture of that betrayal OR of every betrayal we feel when a friend selfishly turns against us.

Proverbs. I think the "treasure in the house of the godly" can be other than financial treasure. It can be the treasure of faith, hope, joy, peace, and love.

What do you think? Do you have questions?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. Saul, in his insecurity, was too impatient to wait on God's timetable. By making the sacrifices himself, he sinned against God and cut off his future from God's blessing. It's a tragic story. I wonder how many times I have missed God's best because I got in a hurry.

John. Saul (above) was in conflict with God; Jesus was in conflict with people who were choosing their own way instead of God's way. There's a lesson to be learned in the contrast between the two passages.

Psalms. Sometimes the best place to be is the place of desperation in prayer. That's where David seemed to be in this Psalm. I have learned to cherish the moments when I can cling only to God and hope only in His deliverance.

Proverbs. Once again, may we speak healing, life-giving words rather than those that bring death.

Your thoughts today? Questions?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. This is the beginning of the reign of Saul. He was ill-prepared for being a king. He seems to have had little leadership experience and immediately used the threat of force to accomplish his first military battle, which (by God's grace) was a victory. As we watch Saul, notice how he never becomes confident about who he is. His insecurity brings great heartbreak to many, including his own family.

John. Today's passage is full of mystery. The people would have loved the miracle of little pieces of manna on the ground the way their ancestors had experienced it in the wilderness. Jesus said that He offers something much better -- Himself. What does it mean to you?

Psalms. "Those who are wise will take all this to heart;
they will see in our history the faithful love of the Lord."

God's faithfulness is what brings us through. Let's proclaim it!

Proverbs. God is even keeping watch on my tongue. May it be a fountain of life and not spewing death.

How about it today, Climbing Companion? How are you doing? What are your thoughts?

Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. The description of what a king would take from the people reminds me of the frequent greed among our leaders today. Claiming to care for the people, they line their pockets with wealth at the expense of the people.

Today we receive our introduction to Saul. Tall, handsome and strong, Saul had all the characteristics the people would look for in a king. However, Saul lacked confidence. It may have seemed humble, but his comment about being from an insignificant family is very telling. Insecure people do all sorts of sinful things to build up their own self-esteem. With Saul, it was sick and very damaging, as we shall see.

John. Jesus taught that we should trust God to provide all we need in life, according to this passage. That doesn't mean that we are to be lazy. It means that we are to simply trust and obey Him.

Psalms. Just how low can we get in our sin? This passage gives a pretty good picture!

Proverbs. If you wonder what is happening to us in the USA, read these verses.

May we humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways. THEN God will hear, forgive and heal us. Your thoughts and comments?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9

Today's Reading

1 Samuel begins today's reading with a story so powerful that you can just see it. The idol of Dagon was worshiped as a god. Yet, for two days in a row, the idol fell face-down before the Ark of God. "Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." Wow!

John. What an adventure to follow Jesus. First, they watched Him miraculously feed the 5,000. Then, a storm threatens their lives until Jesus takes care of business. Wouldn't you love to have been there? We can experience similar provision if we follow Him every day!

Psalms. The old song says, "Prone to wander, Lord. I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love." I can be so much like they were!

Proverbs. May God give us understanding, that we might walk in wisdom.

Your thoughts today, Climbing Companion? Questions?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 8

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. Samuel grew up in the midst of corruption, but, "As Samuel grew up, the Lord was with him, and everything Samuel said proved to be reliable." What a powerful statement. May people say the same about us!

John. Geologists tell us that a long time ago a river began to carve its way downward as it crossed a high plain. Over many centuries, that river created such a huge chasm that it is now called the Grand Canyon. I read this passage, aware that Jesus was carving a deeper and deeper gap between the beliefs of His contemporary religious leaders and the truth that God was giving in the Old Testament.

Psalms. How often have I doubted? How many times have I missed God's best because of my unbelief. Praise God that His faithful love endures forever.

Proverbs. I have struggled at times with worry and it makes me feel bad all over. Just like the verse today.

What are your thoughts as you read? What speaks to you? What questions or comments do you want to share?

Friday, May 7, 2010

May 7

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. My name comes from this heritage, for my mother was like Hannah: childless and offering to dedicate her firstborn to the Lord. Therefore, this story is extra personal to me. (I didn't know about my mom's commitment until after I felt God's specific call into ministry when I was 18 years old.) It opens a great history of Israel and her people.

John. Jesus' secret -- the way he knew what to do in each unique situation -- was to "see" what the Father was doing and do the same thing. One of the results of true spiritual growth is that we can "see" what God is up to more clearly and simply do those things. I am puzzled about what was behind it when Jesus later approached the man he had healed and told him he better quit sinning or something worse might happen to him. I wonder what was in that man's life that Jesus saw.

Psalms. God poured out continuous blessings, longing for His people to know and follow Him. It is much the same today, but now the Holy Spirit enters our lives when we receive Jesus and God Himself is leading us from within our own hearts.

Proverbs. Oh, how much damage is done by hot tempers. May God help us learn to control our tongues.

What do you see today, Climbing Companion? Do you have questions?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 6

Today's Reading

Ruth. I'm blinking back tears as I read the story of Ruth and Boaz. Boaz was older and we know nothing of a wife previous to Ruth. Perhaps he was a widower or perhaps he had never married. Boaz grew up in a home where he learned about kindness to people regardless of their background. His mother was Rahab the Harlot, whom we met back in the town of Jericho (book of Joshua). Notice what Boaz said about Ruth's reputation during her short tenure in the region: 11 "Now don’t worry about a thing, my daughter. I will do what is necessary, for everyone in town knows you are a virtuous woman."

Boaz and Ruth married, had children and their great-grandson was a shepherd in Bethlehem named David. Hundreds of years later, a direct descendant was born in Bethlehem to a virgin named Mary.

John. Jesus' question, "Will you never believe in me unless you see miraculous signs and wonders?”, is interesting. Here, at the beginning of His ministry, perhaps He was just beginning to understand that it would be miracles that caused many to notice Him. What caused you to notice Him?

Psalms. One can imagine this Psalm set to music. It told an epic part of Israel's history to succeeding generations.

Proverbs. "Fear" in these verses means a deep awe and reverence. As we learn to revere God and trust His unfailing love, we experience Him as a refuge and the constant Provider of all we need.

God has spoken to my heart again today. I pray that he speaks to yours. Do you have questions? What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5

Today's Reading

Judges concludes today with a final description of just how far Israel had strayed from God. Don't buy in to the lie that people are inherently good.

Ruth begins and tells us of someone who was the antithesis of the Israelis during the period of the judges. She was loyal, kind, hard-working and willing to leave everything she knew to follow Naomi (and the Living God).

John. I feel refreshed just by reading the encounter described between Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Wells that were fed by underground springs were called "living water" because they were always full -- no matter how much was used. Jesus offers us that same "living water" springing up from within as God replenishes us by His Spirit. As we yield to His life, we are amazed at the harvest God shows us.

Psalms. 11 “I will give you the land of Canaan
as your special possession.”
If we get our worldview from the world (which I find easy to do), we make the mistake of thinking that the Israelis should yield the Land to their neighbors because the others were there first. The truth is that God was their first. He created it, He owns it (Psalm 24:1) and it's His to do with as He pleases. What a mess we have when we don't acknowledge HIm as God!

Proverbs. May we speak the truth in love today. May we listen with humility when others speak the truth to us.

I am grateful for God's Word to us today. How about you? Do you have thoughts or questions?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4

Today's Reading

Judges. It seems that this event took place early in the period of the Judges since Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron, was the priest. Every part of is presents a graphic picture of what life was like when people forgot their allegiance to God. What do you think of it?

John's testimony about Jesus today in John is very profound. He understood that Jesus came from above and lived on this earth as the Son of God. This verse particularly jumped out at me: "34 For he is sent by God. He speaks God’s words, for God gives him the Spirit without limit." John was the prophet who essentially closed the Old Testament and opened the New. In the O.T., the Spirit came upon people for specific acts of service. This new outpouring of the Spirit -- available to us to day -- was totally different. AND I sure need it!

Psalms. Praise the Lord! He is the great provider of all I need!

Proverbs. Plan to do good; work hard; seek wisdom. God will provide!

Your thoughts today? Questions?

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3

Today's Reading

Judges. As we near the end of this book, we get a picture of just how far the people went in doing "what was right in their own eyes." Today we see conflict between the tribes of Israel and how the strong ruled over the weak. We also see people holding to outward religion (idols, personal priest, etc.) rather than worshiping God from the heart. These were the very things God had warned about through Moses and reminded them of through Joshua. This all helped set them up for the troubles they would encounter in years to come.

John. This passage is so familiar and yet so fresh. Nicodemus knew the Law and the Prophets, yet he didn't know what it meant to have new life. It's not enough to know the Bible; we must be born of God's Spirit and made into a new creation.

Psalms. If, in an instant, you could step into a rain forest with the nearest human hundreds of miles away. If you could then transport to the top of the highest mountain and stand there. If, in the next instant, you could be at the deepest depths of the ocean and -- finally -- be standing on the surface of an uninhabited planet many light years away... God would already be there before you. That's what I thought of as I read today's passage.

Proverbs reminds us of how easy it is to ignore, criticize, and neglect the poor. God's blessing is upon those who don't.

That's it for today. What are your thoughts? Your questions?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 2

Today's Reading

Judges. Today gives us the account of Samson. It's fascinating, tragic and full of lessons. In a way, it was Samson's pride that brought him down rather than the loss of his hair. He thought he could always outwit the enemy and he couldn't.

John. Jesus, full of love for people, knew He couldn't entrust Himself to us. God is faithful. Always. We can be very fickle.

Psalms. No matter how much we struggle, God is full of unfailing love. All we must do is yield ourselves to Him. What a blessing!

Proverbs shows that wisdom is like a treasure that can be buried deep. It is worth the time, energy and input from others to dig out.

What do you see today? Do you have questions?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1

Today's Reading

Judges. Today begins the story of Samson. It is an account of tragedy and heroism. One note: the "angel of the Lord" was almost certainly God Himself taking on human form. Throughout Scripture, angels never accept worship from people because they, too, are created beings. This person accept the worship of Samson's parents.

John describes these early encounters with Jesus with growing awareness that He was Messiah. I am riveted by the descriptions and what must have been going on in the minds of these first followers.

Psalms. One thing I like about this chapter is how it looks forward to a day when masses of people are together worshiping the Lord. May it happen in our generation!

Proverbs. These two verses describe what it's like to work with our Stone Ridge Elders. Please join me in gratitude for them.

Your thoughts today, Climbing Companion? Do you have questions?