Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11, Day 192

Today's Reading

Amos was (obviously) a contemporary of Isaiah.  This shepherd from Tekoa spoke God's judgment in a different way than Isaiah.  Just like God uses different communicators today to reach people in different cultures, God used different prophets to bring messages to different ones of His people.

Amos begins with words of judgment on Israel's neighbors, but quickly turns the spotlight on Judah and Israel.  God would judge them!  "Come back to the Lord and live!   Otherwise, he will roar through Israelt like a fire, devouring you completely."  (Amos 5:6 NLT) I think He could easily be giving us this same message in the U.S.

1 comment:

  1. When I read about God striking the vineyards and sending plagues, it reminded me that God will do whatever it takes to have people return to Him. In my life, He has certainly had to allow me to go through some valleys for me to return to him.

    The words from chapter 5 resonate with me today - "Seek the Lord and live."
