Monday, August 8, 2011

August 8, Day 220

Today's Reading

Yesterday I was thinking about Jeremiah 4:3, "Plow up the hard ground of your hearts." We were traveling across western New Mexico and eastern Arizona, returning from a family reunion in the mountains. Friends had traveled with us and the husband questioned why part of the meadow next to the road was green; another patch was brown. Since he was driving, I took a moment and studied the area. It had rained on both the green grass and the brown patch. It hit me that the brown area was probably over a rocky surface barely covered with soil. The water washed right off that surface without penetrating the hardness beneath.

Immediately my mind ran to this verse in Jeremiah. The Lord can be present and working among people in the same town, the same church or even the same home. But, while one person is spiritually flourishing, another is hard and barren. That means it's time to do some heaving repenting and seek God for help in breaking up the hard ground!


  1. I wept as I read today's passage. I foresaw the fate of my beloved America in every verse. God forgive us our folly, and bring a revival to our country - indeed to the world.

  2. If God's people are weeping in brokenness for the sins of our nation, we still have hope. Thanks for sharing, LJ!
