Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9

Today's Reading

Deuteronomy. Moses, at the end of his life, shares his words of blessing to each of Israel's tribes. My parents' generation were children of world wars and depression. They knew what it was to barely get by and were grateful for very small things like enough food to eat. During such hardship, I believe that many of them lost the art of speaking a blessing upon their children. Author Gary Smalley noticed the void and wrote a book called simply "The Blessing." A quarter century has passed and I am pleased at the number of Christian parents who go out of their way to encourage -- bless -- their children.

Luke. Do you remember when Jesus cursed the fig tree during Holy Week? It withered and died. The fig tree was symbolic of the nation of Israel, even back in the Old Testament.

Psalms. Whatever the reasons, God chose Judah as the tribal family through whom the Messiah would be born.

Proverbs. I pray that you and I can help people by encouraging them as they face life's trials. I know I need it!

What are your thoughts today? Do you have questions?

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