Saturday, November 27, 2010

November 27

Today's Reading

Daniel. "Seven periods of time": what does that mean? Seven months? Seven years? The growth of his hair and nails certainly indicates more than seven days. God obviously still had plans for Nebuchadnezzar or His judgment would have been death. This makes the third time in Daniel that the king had to humble himself and recognize the sovereignty of God.

2 Peter. Peter isn't clear in this letter about whom it is addressed to. Perhaps it's a more general letter for all the churches. Certainly that's what happened with his first letter. When I was a boy, I memorized the character qualities he mentions: "Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge..." I have discovered that they are like ascending stair steps. Begin with faith, step higher into moral excellence, still higher with knowledge (knowing God and His Word) and keep rising to the top, which is "love for everyone." It is a climb worth our focused attention and hard work.

Psalms. The world's way of qualification is growth in thinking, understanding and performing tasks. That's not God's way. "9 Yes, I have more insight than my teachers,
for I am always thinking of your laws.
100 I am even wiser than my elders,
for I have kept your commandments."
The world's system may prepare your mind and your hands, but God prepares the heart. The perfect picture of this is Jesus at twelve years old, standing in the Temple and baffling the Teachers with His skill. They knew facts about God's Word. He knew the author!

Proverbs. When I read verses like the ones today, I end up with big questions about our criminal justice system.

What is speaking to you today?

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