Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2

Today's Reading

2 Kings. The historians seem to picture Hezekiah as a selfish man. He wanted to live at all costs. When God did give him life, he bragged about all his wealth to pagan leaders who had a history of conquering and stealing. Then, when he heard about God's coming judgment, he was simply glad it wouldn't happen in his life. He didn't seem to care about his descendants. If that is an accurate depiction of his character, by God's grace I don't want to be like him!
There is much more about Manasseh in 2 Chronicles. The 2 Kings account never tells the story about how Manasseh ultimately repented. We will read that one in the Chronicles account.

Acts. Once again Saul the ex-persecutor became Paul the persecuted. Can you imagine what it was like to attempt to love people whose minds were so closed and were so full of prejudice? God loves them. If He couldn't, He can't love me, either. I'm glad He does!

Psalms. I have, on occasion, been in the midst of a large crowd of people who were simple, humble and unrestrained in their worship. It's just a taste of what heaven must be like!

Today marks our half-way point of reading the Bible in a year. We will read through Psalms a second time and complete the rest over the coming months. If you have been with us since the beginning, congratulations!

Proverbs. God created us to make a difference in this world. When we are lazy, our part of the work is simply decaying. Also, I love the second verse in this passage today. Oh, how I need Him!

What are your thoughts? Questions?


  1. Both Hezekia and manassah remind me of what a forgiving God we have. His mercy simply stuns me. Oh what great lengths God will go to if we will wholeheartedly repent and turn to Him! I also always have to wonder... Manassah was born after hezekia's illness. The evil king would never have been born had H died when God originally intended...

  2. Great observation, Julie. God's ways ARE mysterious!
