Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12

Today's Reading

Jeremiah's prophetic writings take on a personal note today. At first, it seemed like none of Jeremiah's words were coming true. The people had their heads buried in the sand and rejected him and his utterances. As time went along, however, the promised judgment started happening. Have you ever "known" something bad was going to happen if things didn't change? But the people around you just couldn't see it?

1 Thessalonians: perhaps, in many ways, the church in Thessalonica, was like churches in our time and place. On the one hand, many were questioning when Christ would return to end their troubles. On the other hand, they had many of the same people problems we face today: "14 Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone."

Psalms today speaks of fair judgment for the poor. Do you know of times when they haven't received fair treatment? Undoubtedly, your U.S. concept of "equal justice" is sometimes flawed. The law has become the tool in the hands of the attorneys and many times the most skilled attorneys are financially out of reach for people without great resources.

Proverbs: I betrayed a confidence almost 30 years ago. The relationship was restored, but I have never forgotten the hurt I caused.

What do you see today?


  1. TODAY people have their head in the sand and do not see something bad about to happen.......

    Building trust in a relationship is time well spent, but when you've betrayed that trust, it's often impossible to rebuild it. I also speak from personal experience. It's just so much smarter (not necessarily easier) to keep it in tact in the first place. Hopefully, we learn from that mistake and don't do it again.

  2. That's great insight, Chewie. Thanks!

  3. This verse really stuck out to me today: "Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord's work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance. Show them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work" (I Thes 5:12-13)

    So let me take this opportunity to say Thank you Sam for keeping up on this (even as some of us pop in and out)! You work hard and we appreciate it!
