Friday, October 16, 2009

October 16

Today's Reading

It's easy to read this part of Jeremiah and wonder why in the world the people didn't just universally believe him and repent. After all, one prophecy after another came true! Have you noticed that people in our time and place always have "reasons" to believe something other than the truth. "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers..." (2 Cor. 4:4)

1 Timothy: the two letters to Timothy are like a father writing to his son. "5 The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith." That's a verse worth meditating upon!

Psalms: I have often met little children and bent down to have a conversation with them. As I get older, I must listen more carefully to their tiny, often shy voices. That's what I thought about when I read, "1 Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer;"

Proverbs contains a word to the wise. It's good to live by!

What do you notice today?


  1. It's kind of God to tell them it would be 70 years, esp since they were hearing 2 years from the false prophets. In my mind, anything's easier to take if you know for sure how long it will last. I thought the number 70 was interesting. I suppose that's about long enough for everyone alive before the exile to die off, but do you know if there's any other significance to it?

  2. What do you think Paul means when he talks to Timothy about people who discuss something called, "spiritual pedigrees?"

    Also, the verse in Proverbs reminds me of a funny story our dear friends in California told us. Tim and Tiffany had some friends over for dinner one time (it wasn't us). It kept getting later and later. Dinner was over, Tiffany had put her kids in bed, the dishes were in the dishwasher and still, the guests stayed. At one point, Tiffany even went in and put her pajamas on. She came back out into the living room, flossing her teeth. Eventually, the guests left. I hope I never wear out my welcome like that.

  3. Julie, Scripture numbers often have significance. The number 1 most commonly refers to God ("There is ONE God..."). 3 is also considered a number of God because of the trinity. 4 is the number of the earth (4 seasons, 4 points to the compass, 4 basic elements [earth, air, fire, water]). 6 has a Satanic element (666 in Revelation). 7 is the number of completeness (7 days of creation, including the day of rest; 7 days makes a complete week). 12 relates to God's people in the world (12 tribes of Israel; 12 Apostles; 12 is God's number "3" times the earth's number). Finally, when a number is multiplied by ten, it is intensified. Soooo, 70 years marked a completion of their judgment in captivity. Hopefully not TMI!

  4. Ranelle, LOL at your story! In Paul's day, it was common for people to attempt proving their spirituality by whom they followed and who they studied under. Remember "I am of Paul; I am of Apollos, etc? An obvious connection for us today would be to measure our own spirituality by how much Biblical education we have, what degrees we have earned, and where we earned them.
