Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 3

Today's Reading

Daniel. Many scholars believe that this prophecy is of the end times. Perhaps the alignment of the world powers involved is happening today.

1 John. Those who habitually practice righteousness are of God. Those who habitually practice sin are of the devil. God's people do sin, but their lifestyle is to do right. The devil's people do right, but their lifestyle is sin. Measure yourself against that standard. How are you doing?

Psalms. "6 Pray for peace in Jerusalem.
May all who love this city prosper."
The ultimate peace of Jerusalem will be when Jesus Christ reigns as King. Never forget that a key to God's protection of the United States is our alliance with Israel.

Proverbs. I have seen this verse lived out, again and again. I pray that you and I will let it serve as a good warning to us.

What has God taught you today?


  1. 1 John today provides the classic instruction for loving a fellow Christian. Although its simple instruction, it seems to be a trait that many mature Christians can struggle with, loving a fellow Christian despite their shortcomings. I know for me this is always an area to work on. -sean

  2. The last half of John 3:19 and also verse 20 are kind of confusing to me. Does it mean that we as believers have rest/peace when we listen to the convictions of our hearts and love with action instead of just with words or tongue? In other words, when we listen the Holy Spirit prodding us?

  3. Ranelle, I believe that verses 18-20 point out a huge difference between how man (us) looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart. Let's work it backwards, Verse 20 says that God knows everything, including the spiritual condition of our heart, regardless of our feelings. We may feel guilty, but are made not guilty if we are washed by the blood of Jesus. Verse 19 seems to say that WE need to live out our faith so that we know it's real in our own hearts. Experiences tells us that this is true. When we are trusting, praying, serving, and living according to the Scriptures, we experience the joy of our salvation. When we live contrary to the Word, our hearts convict us. If we are in Christ, we would go to heaven should we die in either condition. Verse 18 seems to point out that the way will live will show others that Christ has saved us.

    Does that help?

  4. Yes, it helps a lot. Thanks for explaining it so plainly.
