Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30, Day 89

Today's Reading

Judges 21:25 is the very last verse in this book we begin today. However, it describes the entire book. It says..."In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes." You are about to read a very unsettled part of Israel's history in their new land. It is full of great heroes and horrible sinfulness.

The Israelites failed to fully drive out the people of the land. They failed to put an end to pagan worship. Here we are, thousands of years later, with the promise, "they will be thorns in your sides," holding true.  The last part of Chapter 2 describes the cycle that comprises this whole book: the people rebelled - God sent judgment - the people cried out for help - God sent a judge to deliver them - life got comfortable - the people rebelled.  In this book you will see the cycle over and over again.

One other thought; Judges reads like an action-adventure novel.  The stories are largely tragic, but thoroughly engaging.

1 comment:

  1. It's sad that history has to repeat itself over and over. Maybe U.S. can change that. Maybe HE will come back to get us instead of us "falling". That'd be too cool.
