Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6, Day 65

Today's Reading

Numbers. This book began with a tabulation of the forces of Israel. Another is recorded here. Remember, these were just the men who were prepared for war. The actual number of people was much larger.  This second registration was in preparation to invade the Promised Land.  Much had happened during the wilderness years and it was time to take roll call again.

God's economy included the need for families to be given equal opportunity to own their own land.  A family who has only daughters could keep their land, based on what happened in today's passage.

Moses had already been told that he couldn't go into the Land because of his sin. Joshua was God's choice to lead the people next. We are winding down on the story of Moses' life. We will shortly join him at the top of a mountain as he looks across to the Promised Land and reflects, writing down a reminder of God's Law. What he wrote became known to the Hebrews as the "Second Law." It's not another law from the first, but a reminder and explanation of it. "Second Law" is our word "Deuteronomy".

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