Friday, December 2, 2011

December 2, Day 336

Today's Reading

Spiritual gifts, the supremacy of love and conduct in the church. These are three more chapters that never lose their relevance to followers of Christ. Do you have thoughts or questions that arise from today's reading?


  1. I'm curious about what Paul said yesterday regarding women covering their heads and then today about women not speaking in church.I've always considered these more cultural norms than biblical law, but today the statement about women not speaking in church is placed with the other guidelines for worship, so I'm confused.

  2. Lara, one of the stickiest issues I face in Biblical interpretation is where to draw the line on cultural sensitives versus everlasting truth. First, I agree with the interpretation that you have had. That said, my observation is that the head-covering is generally considered cultural and women's role is diversely interpreted. Some churches think it's better to have women stay out of public speaking roles. Others think women can share a testimony or make announcements, but not preach. Some see no restrictions at all. It comes down to where someone draws the line and the Scripture seems to leave some room for discussion on it.
