Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 28

Today's Reading

Exodus. When God is at work to change things in our lives, they often get worse before they get better. Today has a great example of this. I read the two verses of Exodus 5 this morning, feeling exactly like Moses. Lord, why? Why, when You are beginning to do such a deep work among us, does the load seem so overpowering? I had just turned to the next chapter. It was Logan, one of the leaders from our Prayer Ministry. "Pastor Sam, I am sensing that you may feel discouraged and overwhelmed. How are you?" I know he had heard from God and I told him was was happening. He thanked me, hung up, and took it to prayer. I immediately knew what I needed to do, rebuked the spirit of discouragement and was freed instantly. Why do you think this is part of God's process?

Matthew. Jesus shares two great lessons; one on forgiveness and one on marriage. Your thoughts and comments?

Psalm 23. If you haven't memorized it, I hope you will. This Psalm feeds my soul and causes me to feel comfort in the Lord. Which line or phrase is your favorite?Why?

Proverbs. Jesus said in Luke 4 that He came to set the captives free. Today's reading gives a great description of how we get captured.

I hope we can have some great moments of discussion here today.

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