Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31

Today's Reading

Exodus. Deliverance! What do you think was going on in the hearts of the Hebrews as they left Egypt? Notice that God immediately gives them some rules to live by. He wants them to yield themselves totally to Him. Isn't it the same with us?

Matthew today contrasts Jesus' compassion for the hurting with His anger at the religious people whose hearts were far from God. If Jesus were here right now, would He look on you with compassion or anger? God wants to deliver us from the false spirit of religion.

Psalms for today totally reflects the cry of my heart. How about you?

Proverbs. Dishonest transactions put us in the light of God's judgment.

How are you doing? Questions? Comments?


  1. Ive always known there was a connection between the Passover meal and our communion. However this time a new similarity was clear to me: just like the Israelites did the meal to remember being rescused from slavery in Egypt, we do communion to remember being rescused from slavery to sin. I wonder why I never noticed that before.

  2. You nailed it again, Julie! And my time stamp says you wrote it at 4:45 a.m. Wow!

  3. It was 5:45 I think. I think blogger hates my iPod. Yeah, I'm not a morning person at all but I find it necessary to do my bible study in the morning anyway. Once the kids r up...
