Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. David was so different than Saul! Saul was insecure and David had confidence. Saul seemed to take responsibility for battle on his own shoulders and David gave it to God. Saul tried to hold onto the glory for himself and David gave it also to God.

John. I think that Jesus said something very subtle and very powerful in this passage. Unless we believe that He is who He said, we will remain of this world and will die in our sins. On the other hand, if we believe Him, God will transform us into someone not of this world any more.

Psalms. God gives food to those who fear Him, according to this. That's a great promise during tough economic times.

Proverbs. When I read this, I'm reminded of toddlers whose parents are trying to "potty-train" them. I have seen them quietly go into a corner of the room and look away as they "do their business."

What do you see today, Climbing Companion? Do you have questions?

1 comment:

  1. John 8:26 is very interesting. Jesus always seems perfectly aligned with God that it's hard for me to remember that he was a seperate being at all. But here Jesus tells them he's choosing not to say everything on his mind and instead say only what God has told him to say. I love this glimpse of Jesus's humanity: he was seperate enough from God to have his own thoughts on the subject. But he resisted the temptation to say what was on his mind.
