Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 15, Day 46

Today's Reading

Leviticus. The Priests were ordained, including washing (symbolizing the righteousness of Christ), oil (symbol of the Holy Spirit) and blood (symbolizing the ultimate sacrifice for sins). Their blood sacrifice is what we read about a couple of days ago. Then they took seven days with the Lord before they began to minister. They prepared and God showed up! It's significant also that God showed His acceptance of what they were doing. I believe this was the first time that the glory of the Lord appeared and it wasn't directly related to Moses being there.

We don't really know what Aaron's family was like before they left Egypt. We know that Aaron stood with his brother Moses in the presence of Pharaoh. What we do know is that Aaron caved in and built a golden calf while Moses was up on the mountain with God. Now we read that Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, weren't taking their priestly role seriously. Their drunkenness and disobedience of God's law violated God's holiness and God took action.  Notice the insecurity of Aaron at the end of the chapter.  I think I would have been insecure, too.

1 comment:

  1. Today's reading reminded me of the significance of the cross. Looking at everything that had to be done for the priests to be made acceptable to God and the fact that we don't have to do anything but believe and accept His forgiveness.
