Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. We are nearing the conclusion of this book and the story of David's great kingdom in Israel. "To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity. To the pure you show yourself pure, but to the wicked you show yourself hostile. (2 Samuel 22:26, 27 NLT) How you perceive God is a direct reflection upon your own character.

Acts. "What shall we do?" "...and the Lord added..." The huge results on the Day of Pentecost were clearly because of God's power and grace, not human argument or conviction.

Psalms. "I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go into the House of the Lord.'" When our hearts are lonely and our lives are needy, we feel the need to join with God's people. Too bad that doesn't happen very frequently for some Christians I know.

Proverbs. Listening to instruction is a key to prosperity. It may not make us rich, but we can grow in joy and peace.

And what do you see today? Do you have questions?

1 comment:

  1. I love how Acts 2:38-39 extends the promise of the Holy Spirit to all of us. Acts 1:8's promise that the Holy Spirit comes with power to witness wouldn't have near the weight for me if I didn't know that the promise of the Holy Spirit extends "even to the Gentiles."
