Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. One of the great leadership temptations is to look at our "kingdom" with pride, thinking, "This is what I built." A second temptation is to look at those resources and put our trust in them rather than in God. God stepped in with David, the man after His own heart, and disciplined him quickly. Israel, under David, was strong because of dependence on God. Placing trust in the number of warriors was the road to destruction.

Acts. Healing the lame man opened a door for Peter to speak the gospel. When I looked over his message today, I was amazed at the clarity of it. Jesus is described as crucified, risen and coming again.

Psalms. I think I have seen the attitude portrayed in this Psalm when I visit the Dominican Republic. The government there, while free, controls much about the lives of the people. The poor especially feel the oppression and would pray prayers just like this.

Proverbs. It's simple. Love wisdom and follow wise advice.

How about you today? Questions or comments?


  1. Yes Sam, healing the lame man met a his need and that met need opened the door for Peter. What strikes me here is how Peter & John couldn't meet the need actually presented to them: The cripple was begging for money and they didn't have any to give. Right here is where many of us would just say, "oh well, nothing I can do for that guy... moving on." I love that Peter says, "but I'll give you what i have..."

    It was a far better gift, but it was still a risk- after all, not everyone wants to be healed. But Peter and John were in the business of actually using the gifts God gave them, so they used them whenever they could, not just waiting until someone asked for them.

    When I combine this with the promises of Act 1:8 and 2:39, I know that need to bravely use the gifts God has given me, even when people don't really ask for them. When someone's having a rough day, I can listen and then just pray for them right then and there. Being prayed over is always such a blessing and it's all about God and the gifts he gives... I have to remind myself to not focus on whether or not I have what the person's asking for and instead share what God's given me!

  2. Thanks for pushing us on this, Julie. Great observation!
