Monday, May 4, 2009

May 4

Today's Reading

Judges: it seems that this event took place early in the period of the Judges since Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron, was the priest. Every part of is presents a graphic picture of what life was like when people forgot their allegiance to God. What do you think of it?

John's testimony about Jesus today in John is very profound. He understood that Jesus came from above and lived on this earth as the Son of God. Wow!

Psalms: Praise the Lord! He is the great provider of all I need!

Proverbs: plan to do good; work hard; seek wisdom. God will provide!

Your thoughts today?

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I was shocked and disturbed when I read the passage in Judges today. How come it was ok for the man to murder the women and chop her up but the rape of the woman was punishable by war? It is sad to see that women were of such little value back then.
