Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 17

Today's Reading

Isaiah gives us a great contrast today. On the one hand is Samaria, the capital of the Northern Kingdom -- Israel (the Southern Kingdom was called Judah and capital was Jerusalem). God kept sending simple prophetic messages to Israel and they kept ignoring them. Finally an oppressor was to come (and did!). On the other hand, Isaiah (26:3) prophesied peace for those set their minds on God and trust in Him. You and I need to remember that when our world is crumbling around us.

I encourage you to read today's Galatians passage as a personal letter written to you. Meditate on it. Ask God to flood your mind with it. It is one of the most often misunderstood concepts in the New Testament. The purpose of the Law is not to make your righteous, but to show you your sin. Only Jesus makes you righteous. If you attempt to be righteous by the Law, you must perfectly obey ALL of it. Zero tolerance! (Fat chance!)

Psalms today speaks of commitment and trust. Which area do you need to grow in?

Proverbs: I have found, at times, that it is tempting to envy those who live a life of seeming sinful ease. How about you?

What have you noticed today?

1 comment:

  1. Your confession about being tempted to envy those who live a life of seeming sinful ease really made me think. I think I do the same thing and it is sobering to realize that. Thank you for being open about that.
