Sunday, September 20, 2009

September 20

Today's Reading

Isaiah: today, we first heard about the Edomites. Edom was the name given to Jacob's brother Esau and his descendants. Esau had welcomed Jacob back to the region after Jacob fled his brother's wrath, having taking his birthright and blessing. Whatever happened left bad blood between them. In Numbers 20, Moses sent word to the king of Edom and requested safe passage for Israel through their territory. The request was violently rejected and the conflict proceeded from their. Gradually over the centuries, the people of Edom intermarried with the Jews and the Edomites lost their identity.

The second part of our Isaiah passage is the history (we have read it before in Kings and Chronicles) of Assyria's threats against Judah. You can see how many kings in that era saw themselves as "a god." That was obviously the case with Sennacherib. He saw the gods people worship as pawns to get what they wanted; therefore, they couldn't stand up against his "great" power. This bully is about to receive his come-uppance!

Galatians talks about the war of the ages, that of the flesh warring against the Spirit. Whatever you feed thrives, whatever you starve dies.

Psalms: ultimately EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. We will with confess Him with praise or with the ultimate pain, based on what we do with Him now.

Proverbs: the truth sets us free and guides our steps. It is worth the price!

What speaks to you today?

1 comment:

  1. In the NIV, Galations 5:25 has the phrase "let us keep in step with the Spirit." I love that encouragement. Keep in step!
