Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 9

Today's Reading

Isaiah: I think the vineyard analogy is very descriptive. Israel was known for its wonderful grapes and good wine. God told them that they were like His vineyard. They had left Him and quit producing good fruit. Isaiah's prophecies had to sting them mightily, I think.

2 Corinthians: it wasn't that long ago that pastors were some of the most respected people in the culture. Now everyone has heard so many stories about clergy abusing their authority that perhaps the image has changed. The way it was before, people tended to trust someone just because of the title. That's the kind of situation Paul was addressing in these verses.

Psalms: just remember that this Psalm is written from God's perspective. Jesus warned us against calling people fools (Matthew 5:22).

Proverbs: by honest with your dealings and develop your skills. You may never get rich, but God will use you in significant ways.

How is He speaking to you today?


  1. Hi. I've read through verse 6 of Psalm 53 and I don't understand why Mount Zion, Jacob and Israel are all mentioned separately? Aren't they all part of the same group?

  2. Ranelle, I believe that Mt. Zion had come to symbolize the throne of God. In this case, using Jacob and Israel together may have meant Jacob the man and Israel the people. Symbolically they would have looked at the Patriarch Jacob as rejoicing from the grave over any victory God gave his descendants.

    Great question!
