Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 12

Today's Reading

Isaiah's prophecy became very specific and directed toward the king of Assyria (modern-day Iran). God described through the prophet exactly the attitude of the pagan king. It was to be clear, however, that God is in charge. This is still true today.

2 Corinthians. Paul had obviously receive intel that a contingent of the Corinth church had been caught up in tearing down his spiritual leadership. He has been leading up to today's statements with the info in the previous chapters. This was not Paul protecting his own turf. Instead, he was trying to stop a movement that would water down the effectiveness of the church in their community.

Psalms. Our enemies can be great and life can seem out of control, but we can always put our hope and trust in God. Whatever may happen, He never lets us down.

Proverbs. Some people are frugal for themselves and generous to others. Some people are stingy toward others and lavish great things upon themselves. Enjoy the former; beware the latter.

And, Climbing Companion, what do you see today?


  1. In Isaiah 11 verse 10 he mentions, "In that day . . . " Is he talking about right before Jesus comes again? He's talking about the nation of Israel being united again, triumphing, walking thru the Red Sea on dry land again, etc.

  2. I think that the return of Christ is the ultimate fulfillment, Ranelle. However, I see a pretty clear picture of the return of the Jews after WWII, also.
