Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26

Today's Reading

Isaiah today begins what are called the Suffering Servant passages. Surely the prophet couldn't understand just how graphic were the descriptions he was writing about Jesus Christ because it was hundreds of years before Christ was born. For instance, "5 The Sovereign Lord has spoken to me,
and I have listened.
I have not rebelled or turned away.
6 I offered my back to those who beat me
and my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard.
I did not hide my face
from mockery and spitting."

As I read today's Ephesians passage, I realized that I was angry at someone. At first, I didn't even see it as anger, but I realized that I was hanging on to it a day after it happened. I thank God for His grace and forgiveness!

Psalms. I have felt some of the same things David must have felt when he wrote this Psalm. The answer is the same as his, too. I cry out to God (usually after I try and fail to fix it myself) and He is quick to provide His presence and comfort.

Proverbs. Any more, I shudder when I see people make big decisions without seeking and heeding counsel.

What speaks to you today?


  1. In Ephesians today I noticed a few actions that I need to do probably on a daily basis, if not minute by minute:
    1)throw off the old sinful nature
    2)let the Spirit renew my thoughts and attitude
    3)put on the new nature, created to be like God, truly righteous and holy
    That's what I'm praying for today to be - a day of action.

  2. Well, it turned out to be one of those "minute-by-minute" days and I blew it . . . several times. Who can save me from this body of death? Thanks be to God - through Jesus Christ my Lord! Thank goodness for His forgiveness and faithfulness!
