Saturday, September 4, 2010

September 4

Today's Reading

As I read Ecclesiastes today, I found some verses really speaking to me. I can only imagine some of the questions running through the heads of those who read Climbing Companions. Rather than try to guess, I'm opening it up. What questions do you have?

In 2 Corinthians today, Paul again balanced the correction he brought in the first letter. His encouragement included appreciation for their treatment of Titus. Some of you parents know what it is to train your children to do chores. You accomplish at least two things: as they learn, you get more work done. And you are preparing them for work later in life. Paul obviously felt that way when he dispatched younger helpers like Titus and Timothy.

Psalms. I'm convinced that Scripture passages like this will make more and more sense when we are with Jesus for eternity. It is about His kingdom. He Himself taught us to pray, "Thy kingdom come..."

Proverbs. "19 I am teaching you today—yes, you—
so you will trust in the Lord."
Isn't that the real issue of life?

What speaks to you today? How's it going, Climbing Companion?


  1. All I can say about Ecclesiastes today is, "Whoa". I read over the passage a few times to try and see a theme - maybe that no matter how much wisdom you have, you still don't know everything, death will still come, God is still wiser. It almost sounds as if this book was Solomon's journal.

  2. I agree with Ranelle, this sounds very much like Solomon's journal. Here are a few of my own observations:

    -This really reminded me of Proverbs, but the content seemed a little more subjective to Solomon's own opinions.

    -Some of his thoughts were very insightful, like this one:

    Sorrow is better than laughter,
    for sadness has a refining influence on us.

    Yet, others left me scratching my head and finally deciding they were just Solomon's own conclusions after his experiences in life.
