Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19, Day 109

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. Several of you will have questions about the medium/witch at Endor. The answer is that we don't know for sure what happened. Because of other Scriptures, I think it's possible that she called up a spirit impersonating Samuel. Obviously, much of what the spirit told them was true. However, the truth drove Saul into fear and despair rather than toward God's comfort. Therefore, I believe it was probably an evil spirit.

Despite all his maneuverings, Saul died. What a horrible, tragic picture of life. God had chosen him and blessed him, but he was so insecure that it was never enough. Someone said that we carry two buckets around with us: a bucket of water and a bucket of gasoline. Much of the content of our days depends on which bucket we use when the fires of adversity come upon us.

Today's reading concludes with Psalm 18, David's celebration of thanks when the trial with Saul was finally ended.  I fail to celebrate enough at the end of large challenges.  My personality is to run to the next challenge.  I need to work on this area of my life.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you explained that Sam. I thought that was so strange and it was one of those things that I was thinking, " this just doesn't make sense". Thanks
