Saturday, April 23, 2011

April 23, Day 113

Today's Reading

1 Chronicles. It's easy to drown in this sea of names, isn't it? I suggest you skim over them to get a semblance of the order and the family groups. I'm not sure how this part of Scripture came about, but it's possible that it was the result of beginning to write down history that previously had been passed on by word of mouth from one generation to the next.

For instance, I have cousins who grew up near me. One part of our family trees are the same. Yet we each had another side of our family that wasn't related to the cousins. Each side of those families has a history, often told from one generation to the next. If someone were writing a "Chronicles" today, they would gather each of those histories and compile them, telling the "high points."

Reading in chronological order means that we must go back now and catch up with the family trees before we move along with the narrative.

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