Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 7, Day 97

Today's Reading

Ruth. I'm blinking back tears as I read the story of Ruth and Boaz. Boaz was older and we know nothing of a wife previous to Ruth. Perhaps he was a widower or perhaps he had never married. Boaz grew up in a home where he learned about kindness to people regardless of their background. His mother was Rahab the Harlot, whom we met back in the town of Jericho (book of Joshua). Notice what Boaz said about Ruth's reputation during her short tenure in the region: 11 "Now don’t worry about a thing, my daughter. I will do what is necessary, for everyone in town knows you are a virtuous woman."


  1. God bless the Boazs' of the world. We could use a few (bizillion) more of them. "When we get to heaven"...

  2. I really enjoyed the book of Ruth. Really refreshing since I really can't say the same about the past few books... (I mean, I'm glad I read them and I do think they're valuable and all, I just can't say I've enjoyed how gruesome and over my head they've been.) Yay for getting through them!
