Saturday, December 1, 2012

December 1

Today's Reading
This is the last month so hold on! Over the next 31 days, we we reading the conclusion of the Old Testament and the New Testament. We will complete Proverbs and finish Psalms for the second time. This month will be a thrill ride and will leave you scratching your head, so stay with it!
Daniel foresaw the end the of Medo-Persian empire. They would be brought low by Alexander the Great. Alexander died at age 32 and was replaced by the four divisions of the kingdom, each ruled differently. In short, this set the scene for a conquering kingdom and Rome rose to power. The significance of what he saw left its effect on Daniel. He was physically sick for several days.
1 John. This is a great chapter and worth our focused attention. John describes three levels of maturity. "Children" don't know that much about God's Word; they are just grateful that their sins were forgiven. "Young in the faith" tend to be fierce. They believe that have the final answers on any and everything. They are like the young ministerial students in college who make it their goal to correct all the mistakes of their learned Bible professor. "Mature in the faith" know the Word and are highly aware of their own sins. Therefore, they are amazed that a holy God would love and forgive them. They live with gratitude and a desire to serve God in return for His goodness. Which category are you in?
Psalms. We serve a God who loves us to take our troubles to Him. Wow!
Proverbs. The world goes to war because of greed. How far we have strayed from God's design!
What is on your heart as you read today?

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