Sunday, December 30, 2012

December 30

Today's Reading
Malachi. Here we are, at the end of the Old Testament. Our reading journey has covered over 3,500 years of recorded time. We began with the beauty of creation and saw the fall of our first human parents into sin. Now, in Malachi, we see how much it displeases God when we give Him nothing but the leftovers from our lives. His primary concern with the animal offerings wasn't that they were defective, but that the people kept the best for themselves and gave the discards to God. We -- you and I -- must watch that attitude!
Revelation. With my limited human understanding, I'm sure it was a challenge to somehow portray the new Jerusalem in a way that would help me picture its grandeur. I'm fascinated that we, Christ's followers, are the Bride of Christ!
Psalms"5 Let the faithful rejoice that he honors them. Let them sing for joy as they lie on their beds." It seems that I am often pummeled with negative thoughts -- worries, doubts and fears -- in the middle of the night. On the one hand, I believe that this is part of spiritual warfare and is "normal" for believers. On the other hand, I want to remember this verse! It's probably best that I not sing out loud (lest I wake Cathy), but I can sing in my heart!
Proverbs. It embarrasses her when I say it, but this is an apt description of my wife. She has worked hard and been diligent to provide for her family. She now carries her role as "Grammy" with a smile and a heart full of love. It has been my privilege to be married to her since 1972 and each year grows sweeter as we share life together.
As we conclude this year with readings today and tomorrow, what are you thankful for?

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