Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 2

Today's Reading
Daniel. This man, chosen by God to wield great influence among powerful kings, was also chosen to "see" things most people never see in this lifetime. He spoke with angels. He was allowed to know what is happening in the spiritual realm as it affects the earth. The thing that spoke to me the most today, though, was this: 18“O my God, lean down and listen to me. Open your eyes and see our despair. See how your city—the city that bears your name—lies in ruins. We make this plea, not because we deserve help, but because of your mercy." In the end, we must understand: God grants grace and mercy because He is kind, merciful and generous. It's not because we have earned them.
1 John. It is a misconception that there is only one Antichrist, the world ruler who will set up his own throne to be worshiped. In fact, Roman emperors did just that all the time! You and I must be on the lookout for anyone who would lead people away from faith in Jesus Christ. Over the years, I have met several of them.
Psalms. When this Psalm was written, people had built shrines to all types of false gods on the hills all over Israel. The message is simple: our help doesn't come from those hills, nor those false gods. Our help comes -- always -- from the Lord.
Proverbs contains a pretty good barometer on those "in charge." When the godly have to "go into hiding," including finding ways to communicate truth without being "caught," the wicked are in charge.
I'm grateful for you. How's it going today?

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