Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1

Today's Reading

2 Kings. Hezekiah first fell into the temptation to rescue himself by his own works. He even took the gold dedicated to the Lord and tried to bribe his way out of trouble. How many times have I done the equivalent? I get into a mess and, rather than repent, I try to get myself out of the mess. One reason it's tempting to do it that way is because our flesh wants to remain in control of our lives. Repenting means yielding my life to God. Hezekiah repented and God delivered him. I love this passage and it always challenges me to put my trust only in the Lord. Only when He is in control do I find full joy.

Acts. Paul knew that he had to travel a specific road in order to obey God. It's amazing how various ones foresaw the troubles ahead of him and tried to warn him off. He chose to listen to the still, small voice of God and keep moving ahead; even if it meant he would die. What an example of devotion! Someone said that the safest place to stay is in the center of God's will.

Psalms. I fear that sometimes we are so "civilized" that we don't really release ourselves in praise. We are afraid of looking foolish.

Proverbs. I must watch my heart regarding this verse. In my flesh, I love to hear rumors about people -- especially ones I don't particularly like.

And you? What is God saying to you today? Do you have questions for us?


  1. I was reading yesterday about the obsession with safety we Christians have. Before we leave for any missions trip or retreat, we always pray for safety. How ironic that Paul went directly and knowingly into danger!

  2. 2 Kings – Hmmm, the power of prayer. I am guilty of going to my knees as the last resort. Rather, prayer should be my first response. Was it in Hezekiah’s situation? Yet, God answered his prayer regardless. Even after all of the ridiculous decisions Hezekiah made, God was faithful. I looked at the way Hezekiah prayed. He was humble and recognized his complete dependence on God. Maybe that is how I need to remember to pray.

    Acts – My first reaction is that Paul disobeyed the Holy Spirit by going to Jerusalem. But, perhaps the Holy Spirit’s warning was referring to the suffering Paul would face there. So, just because a situation may cause mental, physical, or emotional suffering doesn’t mean that the Holy Spirit is calling us away from it. Yikes! Yet, our lives (including the suffering) are “worth nothing unless [we] use them for doing the work assigned to [us] by the Lord Jesus” (v.24). Well, that sums up the purpose of suffering doesn’t it? I guess I better evaluate why I am working in this crazy HEAT!!!! If it’s not for the Lord I’m moving to Colorado 

    Psalm 149 – Singing, dancing and playing music for the Lord. Yes, I can get used to that. What does the “sharp sword” symbolize in verses 6 and 7?

    Proverbs – I guess this verse only applies to women right? I am a man so I don’t have to worry about gossip…snicker…

  3. Great observations from both of you. Thanks!

    Luke, I think the sword might meant the idea of praising God, but also doing spiritual war against the enemy. This life includes both responsibilities.
