Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11

Today's Reading

1 Chronicles. The narrative today turns to David and his mighty men. I'm certain that, while others proudly lauded him as king, David turned his appreciation to those who put their lives on the line for the kingdom.

Acts concludes with Paul's arrival at Rome. He would see great fruit there and he would also suffer. It was in Rome where Paul was finally martyred, though many historians believe that didn't happen at this time. Paul had other ministry elsewhere before he was finally executed for his faith.

Psalms. God cares for the helpless. That's a far cry from helping "those who help themselves." Yes, we must sometimes take action to deal with our own problems, but we must be cautious lest we try to seize control of our own lives and leave God out completely.

Proverbs today is a mouthful. Which verse speaks the most to you?

What are your questions and thoughts today?

1 comment:

  1. I know I've said it before, but Psalms has been so comforting to me recently. I love how different parts of God's word speak to us right where we're at.
