Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2, Day 2

Today's Reading

Genesis 4 shows how quickly the power of sin advances when we give into it.  Cain gave some while Abel gave first fruits.  God's response to Cain was, "Do well and your feelings will follow."  The world's message is, "Do what you feel, disregarding whether it's right or not."  No wonder we're in such a mess!

Genesis 5-7 describes just how the effects of sin began to take over the whole world. "Now God saw that the earth had become corrupt and was filled with violence." (Genesis 6:11) Imagine how holy God must see our planet today.  Yet, every generation has a remnant who seek after God, just like Noah.  We may be misunderstood and ridiculed, but the truth is always evident in the end.



1 comment:

  1. I am struck by the verse "Sin is crouching at the door eager to control you, but you subdue it and be it's master." Great wisdom and warning in this one verse.
