Friday, January 28, 2011

January 28, Day 28

Today's Reading

God used the Egyptians (Egypt symbolizes the world in many Biblical references) to saved the Israelites.  He used a pagan king, one who took full advantage of the famine to conscript his entire nation as servants, to save His beloved people.  I have been reading a book about God's love for cities and the need to reach them.   One of the principles is to seek the peace and prosperity of the city where God has placed you (Jeremiah 29).  Joseph sought the peace of Egypt, then his father spoke a blessing upon Pharaoh.  God did bless the Egyptian king, taking care of Israel in the process.



  1. Sam, what is the title of the book on God's love for cities? That is something that I should be doing more of - praying for this wonderful city of Yuma, where God did plant me. Thanks Sam, for the opportunity to be more consistent in getting into the WORD, as a vital part of one's walk with GOD.

  2. Something about this verse struck me as bittersweet:
    I will go with you down to Egypt, and I will bring you back again. You will die in Egypt, but Joseph will be with you to close your eyes.”
