Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27, Day 27

Today's Reading

Genesis. Notice that their father didn't let the brothers take Benjamin to Egypt until Judah offered his own life in exchange. He had refused to accept the offer of Reuben to give up two of his sons. Judah, the direct ancestor of Jesus, showed us a picture of salvation. It is not by our own works, but because God offered Himself, through Jesus, as our substitute.

I always read today's passage with tears. The story of reconciliation is, I believe, the most powerful story of all. God sent His Son Jesus to reconcile us to Himself. Jesus' ancestor Judah took the front position so that Joseph could be reconciled to his family. I deeply hope to hear many of your responses to this today!


  1. This part of the story was amazing.

    The mercy Joseph showed his brothers, and his willingness to forgive them and reconcile with them made me think of how I have treated God at times. Yet he has forgiven me and shown me mercy time and time again.

  2. God spoke to me on this. He's been pleading with me to forgive a half-brother I have who has been awful to my dad and done terrible things. He's in his late 40's and likely near the end of his life, living on the streets and likely doing drugs again. I haven't seen or spoken to him in almost ten years and I have managed for most of that time to completely forget about him, which I'll admit has been nice, but isn't good. I need to take steps toward loving him and showing God's love like Joseph did to his siblings. What they did to him was far worse and he still was generous and loving to them.

  3. Meg, I'm moved by your comment. Thanks for being transparent.
