Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 19

Today's Reading

The Offerings for the Festival of Shelters -- Numbers 29 -- are confusing to me. Does anyone have some light of understanding for us?

Luke's genealogy of Jesus Christ is a bit different than the one on Matthew. Matthew starts at the beginning; Luke starts at the end.

"God is in charge and God loves me." That has been something very personal to me from this Psalm.

It's interesting that we pursue riches, thinking we will find a great life. Yet the source of a great life is godliness. Proverbs today.

The Numbers and Luke passages weren't particularly interesting reading to me today. Psalms and Proverbs more than made up for it. How about you?


  1. "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone. . ."
    "My soul finds rest in God alone. . ."
    Incredible statements. In God alone.

  2. I love NLT's version of Ps 62:5 "Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him."

  3. Thought it was interesting that the sacrifices in the festival of shelters were kind of a countdown. Over the 1st seven days they sacrifices 13 bulls, then 12, then 11, etc until they sacrificed 7 on the seventh day. Then on day 8 they sacrificed 1. I'm not sure I'd make anything of it other than its interesting and apparently had some significance to God.

    I also thought it was interesting that when you look at the different festivals all together, it formed the "national holiday" structure for God's people. There was a big, week-long festival at the beginning of the year and another big, week-long festival about mid year (with a couple of special days leading up to it).
