Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24

Today's Reading

After describing in detail how Israel conquered two great kingdoms, Moses confesses how he tried to bargain with God to be able to enter the Land after all. As I read Deuteronomy today, I realized that I probably wouldn't have gone back to God asking for reconsideration. But Moses did, and God doesn't seem to judge him for asking.

Luke records some of Jesus instructions for living life God's way. Which of these speaks most to you? Which is most difficult for you?

The beautiful thought of God's blessing on the earth gives us some idea of how He intended it to be. Too bad we fall so short of what this Psalm describes.

Proverbs: O God, please help me continually search for good and not evil.

Climbing Companion, how are you doing?

1 comment:

  1. Living life God's Way . . . one of the things Christ mentions in the Luke passage is to "love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them WITHOUT EXPECTING TO GET ANYTHING BACK." That's a tough one. That means not expecting credit, thanks, praise, etc.
