Monday, March 9, 2009

March 9

Today's Reading

Numbers: quail, Miriam's leprosy, and twelve spies are in today's reading. Which part speaks to you? Why?

I read this Mark passage early in the morning as my eyes fought sleep. "The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." I sure understood!

The historical setting of Psalm 52 was a difficult time for David. He trusted God, regardless of his outward circumstances. Lord, I want to be like that!

Proverbs: a call to humility and honesty.

Sound off!


  1. Moses' wedding and Miriam's leprosy remind me of the occaisions when family members or friends get remarried. Everyone seems to have an opinion, and usually they're just wrong. It is no sin to be lonely and it must have hurt Moses to hear the gossip coming from family members over his chosen spouse. interesting... things don't really change, except the leprosy.


  2. Simply stated, I have always wondered how humble Moses really was, based on our standards? To be the most humble man on earth, is really saying something. I wonder what it would be like to carry on a conversation with a man such as that, especially after God spoke so highly of him.
