Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23

Today's Reading

Numbers closes with the settling of another small dispute. This balances out the regulation that was earlier given regarding families who had daughters, but no sons.

It took me years to understand the "why" of Deuteronomy. The name means "second law." Deuteronomy was a detailed re-telling of the events that are listed (primarily) in Exodus and Leviticus. It helps me understand the purpose better by imagining Moses up on the small mountain and looking out across the Jordan River into the Promised Land. He has been told by God that he can't go there. Therefore, here he is, at the end of his days, recalling God's work and words for the past 40 years. He is like a world leader writing his memoirs. He also takes advantage of this last communication before his death to warn the people that they must follow God and not go astray.

Luke: each of these conversations with Jesus was about conflict with religious leaders. What are your thoughts about them?

Psalm 66 contains two sections that have been a part of my thinking for many years. Verses 10-12 tell God's ultimate design for our trials. Verse 18 warns about the futility of prayer if we aren't honest about our sins.

Proverbs challenges us to grow in our generosity.

How are you doing? Would your share your thoughts and questions today?

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