Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 23

Today's Reading

Judges 21:25 is the very last verse in this book we begin today. However, it describes the entire book. It says..."In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes." You are about to read a very unsettled part of Israel's history in their new land. It is full of great heroes and horrible sinfulness.

The Israelites failed to fully drive out the people of the land. They failed to put an end to pagan worship. Here we are, thousands of years later, with the promise, "they will be thorns in your sides," holding true.

Jesus reminds us in Luke to "keep alert" and "pray." The older I get and the longer I get to walk with God, the more those instructions mean to me.

Psalm 91 says that God alone is our refuge from the storms of life. Praise His name!

Proverbs brings to mind one or two of the difficult things my parents allowed me to face when I was a kid. I have never forgotten the lessons.

What do you notice today?

1 comment:

  1. Another very special passage of scripture to me is the Psalms passage today. I remember when I was fighting cancer that I would envision myself dwelling in the shelter of the Most High and resting in the Almighty's shadow. It was a powerful word picture that made me feel safe and loved. He was my refuge and my strength during those days that I was completely weak and wanted to give up. I praise Him.
