Friday, April 3, 2009

April 3

Today's Reading

As I read today's section of Deuteronomy, I thought about those of you who are reading it for the first time. It's hard to imagine some of these regulations. Which ones jump out at you? What are your questions and/or comments?

Jesus' Luke dialog with His followers about the subjection of demons to them is one of my favorite conversations to think on. What part of this reading speaks to you?

The earth may seem to be spinning out of control, but God faithfully watches and judges, according to Psalms today.

Proverbs: may we live wisely and work hard.

I'd love to hear from you today!


  1. The examples in Leviticus show examples of 'the letter of the law.' Jesus, in the story of the
    good Samaritan explains the need to apply the 'spirit of the law.' Any nations laws are only as good as the hearts of its people. We can easily get tied up in the laws on the books rather than the principles that they are based on.


  2. We live in a time of increasing hardness in the hearts of our own nation. Thus, we see the continued abusing of the very laws our forefathers gave up so much to establish.

  3. Brad, you make some good points.
