Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 18

Today's Reading

Esther: a simple Jewish girl becomes queen and discovers that she was created "for such a time as this." God created you and me for this time that we live in. What does that mean to you?

Paul uses this part of his 1 Corinthians letter to clarify the purpose and power of the Lord's Supper. Communion is -- foremost -- recalling Christ's death. We must not take it lightly. God intended it to be a time when we renew our intimacy with Him.

Psalms: remember that, according to Ephesians 6, our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces. Satan, the archenemy, is surrounded by other beings who help him try to bring us down. When you apply this Psalm to them, it makes more sense.

Proverbs: which of today's verses do you need the most? Apply it!

What thoughts do you have?


  1. I feel like I live in the wrong time... I was born 150 years too late. I'm sure God has some reason I'm here now, but ??????? I don't see it.
    Wonder if I'll ever see it while I'm here.

  2. Oh, come on, Chewie. If you had lived 150 years ago, you wouldn't have gotten to know us wonderful peoples. And you couldn't have commented on blogs! :)

  3. Actually, Chewie, God is using you right now in ways you can't know. For instance, you have often been a needed encouragement to me. Seriously!
