Saturday, August 22, 2009

August 22

Today's Reading

This longest section of Job reads like an ancient drama or an epic poem. His friends, beginning today with Eliphaz, each try to convince Job that his problems are because of some hidden or unconfessed sin. Job denies it and wonders why God abandoned him. Have you ever felt forgotten by God? I have! It's part of life's struggle.

Part of the purpose of 1 Corinthians was to address certain areas that were out of balance among the Corinth church. For instance, their worship services could be positively chaotic. Paul brings them back to the purposes of certain things in worship and warns them that they need to make some changes.

Psalms: it is tempting to take a momentary snapshot of the wicked and believe that wickedness pays off. Not so! In the end, they always fall.

Proverbs: always, always, always God looks at our hearts. We need to search out our own motives for what we do.

What thoughts do you have today?


  1. I love the end of our Psalm reading today - "The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; He is their stronghold in time of trouble. The LORD helps them and delivers them; He delivers them from the wicked and saves them, BECAUSE THEY TAKE REFUGE IN HIM." The capitals are my emphasis. Sometimes I think the way I live my life is like I'm running around. It begins to rain and I expect God to run after me with an umbrella - everywhere I go, each decision I make, etc. It isn't like that. I need to take refuge under the shelter He provides. I need to dwell there.

  2. What a great word picture. Thanks, Ranelle, for ministering to me this morning.
