Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25

Today's Reading

The latter part of Job today shows that he has begun to acknowledge God's ultimate victory and is glad for it. Still, though, Job is not settled in his heart. He is wrestling with what's going on. He is upset at his friends. Life isn't what he thinks it should be so he is not at peace. I know the feeling sometimes.

Paul closes this letter of 1 Corinthians with his special love for their city and their church. He wants to spend a length of time there. He wants them to know that they are not alone. He wants them to respect their spiritual leaders. All are important reminders for a church with so many problems.

Psalm 40: "I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned and heard my cry." Amen!

Proverbs: it takes years to earn a good name and one dumb mistake to destroy it. May we live in such a way that people will see our good words and glorify the Father in heaven!

What have you noticed today?


  1. I will attest to God's faithfulness today. The Lord has lifted me out of the slimy pit too many times to declare. When I was in high school, our youth group visited a water park. The wave pool was something that I wanted to try. Even though I wasn't a strong swimmer, I inched my way deeper and deeper because all of my friends were going that way. The wave machine started and I was in the deep end. The only problem was that I didn't know how to go with the wave. Instead, I fought it and found myself going under when the wave was cresting. I seriously knew I was in trouble and yelled for help when my head was above the water. A lifeguard heard me and got out of his chair. I saw him mouth the words, "Do you need help?" I fought my way to the side and looked up at him one more time, knowing that I was too tired to climb out. He reached down and grabbed my forearm, but another wave pulled me back down and I lost my grip. He didn't give up, and reached down for me once again. With one huge pull, I was vaulted out of the pool. What a relief! It was a very scary time for me but it was the strength and grip of the lifeguard that saved me. That is how I totally picture those times when the Lord has rescued me from my despair. The slimy pit of despair and hopelessness is no match for any rememdy this world might offer. It is only Him who can completely rescue me from the slimy pit.

  2. Very good analogy. As Christians, we probably all have something similar - we need to keep those "pictures" in our minds when "the going gets tough" because He is ALWAYS there to "vault us out of the pool". Thank you, Ranelle, for this lesson.

  3. I agree with Chewie. Thanks for a great story, Ranelle!
