Monday, November 16, 2009

November 16

Today's Reading

Ezekiel. The prophetic message today moves from all who discover God's purposes and plans, then fail to warn those around them. Then it moves to "shepherds", which is the same as "pastor" in the New Testament. It can many anyone charged with spiritual responsibility for some of God's sheep. By the way, I find this passage challenging, sobering and very personal. Next, the Lord Himself is the Good Shepherd, who deeply cares for His sheep. Today's reading closes with a description of Christ's coming kingdom.

This closing chapter of Hebrews has something meaty in almost every verse. Suffice it to say that we are wanderers and pilgrims on this planet who are watched over by angels. We are called to a high standard of living. We are given the lofty position of people from whom our Savior desires praise. What an awesome life!

Psalms contains the warning, "8 And those who make idols are just like them,
as are all who trust in them."
Our idols of money, credit cards, entertainment, gluttony, etc. are just as ineffectual to meet our real needs as gods carved from wood.

Proverbs. Praise is a serious test. Why? Because those who get their identity from it become people-pleasers and can be led easily astray.

What are the tests in your life? What does God want you to learn from them?

1 comment:

  1. Sean here. A good reading today. I like the simple reminders throughout it. For instance, the sinner who is repenting is on the right track, the righteous who is resting on past things done is on the wrong track. Another: God provides exactly what we need and we are to be good stewards. A few scriptures later it is mentioned that we are to give to the needy. Funny thing, when I am not content with God's provision and over spend on things I want, I am then unable to give to the needy - not because God hasn't provided but because I've overspent. This is a simple reminder of choosing God's way, everyday.
