Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 5

Today's Reading

Ezekiel saw a nation of false leaders, false preachers (prophets) and false security. I learned long ago how people would paint over the rusted parts of cars without fully removing the rust. It look good -- until the rust ate back through. I don't want my life to be like that; do you?

Hebrews: I believe that Melchizedek was what we call a "Theophany" or a "Christophany." In other words, an appearance of God in human form in the Old Testament. We have seen several of those in our reading this year. He was "King of Salem", meaning "King of Peace" and Jesus was called "Prince of Peace." Salem was ancient Jerusalem. This passage shows the Melchizedek was greater than Abraham, but it also teaches us something very important about the oriental understanding of life. It says that Levi (the Patriarch of the priestly tribe in Israel and the great-grandson of Abraham) was "in" Abraham when he paid tithes so Levi paid tithes to Melchizedek. You and I can grow from this understanding when we realize that we were "in" Adam when he sinned in the garden. This doesn't mean that we were pre-existing, but that our life was wrapped up in him. When we become a Christian, we are now "in Christ Jesus." Our life is now wrapped up in Christ.

Psalms: God's love is so generous! If only we would respond by drawing near to Him. What we often do is take Him for granted. I know that I sometimes do!

Proverbs: I watched this recently. Someone's foolish actions caused resentment in the person's friends. Just like today's verse says!

What do you notice today?

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