Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9

Today's Reading

Ezekiel. C.S. Lewis wrote of Aslan (who represented Christ in Chronicles of Narnia), "He is not a tame Lion." We do well to remember that God is not soft on sin. His mercy is great, but it is far different than God having a lax attitude about sin.

Hebrews. So Jesus our Messiah entered, not the copy of the Most Holy Place (or Holy of Holies) in the Temple, but into the presence of God in heaven. He brought, not the blood of animals, but His own bloods and presented it as the forever sacrifice for our sins. What a picture!

Psalms. Sometimes the most "spiritual" thing we can do is to cry out from our place of trouble. God seems to be moved by the cries of His people. These verses give four powerful examples. When was the last time you cried out to God? I often wait until I have exhausted every other option. God has never failed to answer my cries with His presence and provision.

Proverbs. Parents who genuinely care about their children and what kind of people they grow up to be (I'm not sure all parents think much about that!) feel totally blessed when they see them respond to life situations with wisdom.

What do you notice today?

1 comment:

  1. I see that God is infinitely on "our side". He always answers our prayers; not always with the answer we THINK we want. In the long run, we're glad with what HE did, not necessarily what we wanted. Only He can see the "Big Picture". I'm so glad He is in control ultimately.
